The best flower delivery websites in Italy

Explore our comprehensive reviews highlighting the best flower delivery websites in Italy, from standout performers to those falling short. Get the real scoop on each website's offerings, delivery reliability, and customer satisfaction.

Sites we tested Factors

Flower delivery to Italy website rankings

The websites we tested which offer a delivery everywhere in Italy, ranked by numerous criteria
Last updated 11 March 2025.

Interflora Italy

29,99 € | Lowest price
10,99 € | Delivery fees
12h | Delivery time
Hand delivery
Delivery everywhere in France
Gifts and accessories
International delivery
Greeting cards

Floraqueen Italy

35,88 € | Lowest price
5,90 € | Delivery fees
24h | Delivery time
Hand delivery
Delivery everywhere in France
Gifts and accessories
International delivery
Greeting cards

Wine & Flowers Italy

42,00 € | Lowest price
0,00 € | Delivery fees
12h | Delivery time
Hand delivery
Delivery everywhere in France
Gifts and accessories
International delivery
Greeting cards

Floraprima Italy

€69.99 | Lowest price
€14.99 | Delivery fees
12h | Delivery time
Hand delivery
Delivery everywhere in France
Gifts and accessories
International delivery
Greeting cards

Italianflora Italy

38,00 € | Lowest price
0,00 € | Delivery fees
24h | Delivery time
Hand delivery
Delivery everywhere in France
Gifts and accessories
International delivery
Greeting cards

Good Choice Flowers Italy

$54.95 | Lowest price
$0.00 | Delivery fees
48h | Delivery time
Hand delivery
Delivery everywhere in France
Gifts and accessories
International delivery
Greeting cards

Description of ranking factors

How much does the cheapest bouquet cost?

What's the price of the cheapest bouquet on a given website? We gathered this information so you don't have to. Our team regularly reviews prices so that the data is current.

How much is charged for delivery?

Since most companies aren't as transparent about this information as they should be, we decided to go ahead and go through the process of ordering flowers on their websites to find out how much is added for delivery.

How long until my bouquet is delivered?

Most areas of Italy can be delivered within the same timeframe. However, not all flower delivery companies deliver the same way (hand-delivery vs. shipping, see below) and with the same speed.

Will my flowers be hand delivered?

This icon means the company relies on florists to deliver your flowers to your recipient. That's what is meant by "hand delivery", and it usually translates into a quicker process, as florists do not rely on postal service.

Will my flowers be shipped by mail?

Many companies use shipping boxes to send their flowers - with great results quality-wise, but a bit more slowly than having a florist deliver them in person. However, shipping is a cheaper delivery option.

Can I add an accessory to my bouquet?

Some companies are only able to send bouquets to your recipient, but an increasingly great number of them now allow you to pick from a nice selection of side gifts you can send with your flowers, such as chocolate, wine, teddy bears and other treats.

Are greeting cards available?

While all floral companies will let you attach a message to your bouquet, some still don't allow you to pick an actual, high-quality greeting card. A growing number of floral companies in Italy actually let you upload your own picture and use it as your greeting card, so be sure to look for that option if it's important to you.

Cities in Italy

Here's the list of the main Italian cities, for which a flower delivery service exists.

How we operate

Our website was created with the aim of guiding consumers to make well-informed decisions when purchasing flowers in Italy. Curious about our approach? Please see below


Whether you're in Italy or anywhere else in the world, we believe transparency is crucial. Our primary objective is to clearly and directly provide all essential details about the floral companies showcased on our platform. The information provided comes directly from the company websites we tested, and saves you time in evaluating which one is more suited for your particular needs.


We've taken great care to thoroughly test each website featured, ensuring comprehensive reviews of every aspect. Prices, whether for bouquets or delivery, can vary widely. When sending flowers to Italy, there might be hidden costs that are not transparently justified. Many companies operate without a physical base in Italy, relying on third-party services, which can increase the total flower cost. It's vital for consumers to be aware of these details.

Up-to-date information

Accuracy is only as good as its updates, especially since in the flower delivery market, prices change based on seasonal fluctuations. We continuously monitor and update our information to reflect that. New flower delivery companies entering the Italian market may also be added to our comparison chart over time. Our team reviews our partners' information weekly, ensuring you can trust that our data is always current.

Quality control

Our team is small but dedicated, heavily valuing feedback and support from our visitors. We're constantly searching for new flower delivery services and florists in Italy to include on our platform. We cherish your feedback and encourage you to share your thoughts anytime through our contact form.